Time for A SusTainable IT
6 février 2025 - 18h30 - Paris
20ème édition de Tast'IT, en partenariat avec la Journée de l'Écoconception Numérique - Jeudi 6 février 2025
Direction Tast'IT Nantes
Tast'IT Paris revient bientôt pour un prochain événement (Printemps 2025) !
La prochaine date sera annoncée prochainement. Pour être tenu au courant, inscrivez-vous à notre newsletter.
Si vous êtes du côté de Nantes le 18 mars pour la Journée du Numérique Responsable, rejoignez le 2ème Tast'IT Nantes !
We are committed to ensuring that your personal data will never be used for commercial purposes.
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About Tast'IT
Tast'IT was born of the personal desire of a group of people involved in Sustainable IT to facilitate meetings between those working to spread Sustainable IT, and to create more links between all Sustainable IT movements and currents.
This convivial event is a Sustainable IT afterwork. Its aim is to bring together Sustainable IT players to discuss their issues, problems and needs.
About Green IO
Launched by Gaël Duez in 2021, Green IO is community-first driven. A rich global network of responsible technologists feed its semi-monthly podcast with invaluable insights and feedback.
Tast'IT, The Sustainable IT Afterwork
Tast'IT is an open network, with the ambition of eventually bringing together in the organizing team a group of people from a wide range of Sustainable IT sensibilities.
Tast'IT's main values are selflessness, benevolence, openness to others (whether they are part of the Sustainable IT ecosystem or wish to discover it) and acceptance of different Sustainable IT sensibilities.
Tast'IT, the Sustainable IT afterwork event
The Tast'IT Sustainable IT afterwork has been running since September 2021.
Tast'IT is a volunteer initiative run on a personal basis by : Alizée Colin, Dylan Marivain, Rémy Marrone & Julien Nora in the service of the Responsible Digital Community.
In full transparency
Tast'IT is a non-profit association under the French law of 1901 (RNA n° 751 271 651, SIREN n° 924 270 606). Funds raised through event registration are reserved on the Helloasso platform and then transferred to the association's account.